Saturday, July 24, 2010

dreamin of Anna Maria . . .

I look forward to time away with my family, especially time with my  girls when the cell  phones get left behind and they look around them and see the world they're missing while they're texting!  We just visited Anna Maria Island on Florida's Gulf Coast.  We tracked sea turtle nesting, wondered at the size of manatee, searched endlessly for sand dollars and miracle - swam and kissed a dolphin!  With the oil spill so imminently  approaching, it was a great learning experience for the girls to learn about our precious coastline and the  importance of protecting our world.  so I'm still dreamin of Anna Maria . . .

1 comment:

  1. Looks and sounds "dreamy", Donna.

    Yesterday was tons of fun. We should not wait that long again to get everyone together.

