Sunday, November 1, 2009

mommy dot's . . .

that was my grandmother's nickname, mommy dot, and I loved her so very much. the older I get, the more I think back on what I've accomplished and what dreams I've yet to make come true. mommy dot's is one of those dreams. I love everything about scrapbooking and mommy dot's is my future busines, store, getaway . . . well I haven't worked out the details just yet! So, my first blog is mommy dot's - the marks we make on this world as moms


  1. Welcome to the blog world! Have a good week...
    pk @ Room Remix

  2. Welcome to the land of blogging and I love the idea behind your name!!

  3. Hey Lil D!!! Welcome to blog land. So glad you're "one of us now". Can't wait for more. I'll make sure I put a shout-out about your blog on mine.

  4. Hey! I found your blog. I'm still trying to get the jist of all this stuff.....I have to go looking for the blogs that I joined....I though I would get updates through my email....guess not. Oh well, livin' and learn' still.
